WARNING an accent can make you sound like a cunt! Saturday 25 June 2011

What is it with accents, I love watching 'Poms in OZ' with these brits that have been living there for six months standing around a community beachside barbeque
with flies all over them harping on about how great their life is now, back in England they were unhappy cunts.

Travelling to the other end of the world and introducing themselves to an unhealthy dose of radiation courtesy of the burning fire in the sky has somehow removed all signs of cuntishness but sadly only from their own prospective because its coming through loud and clear to me, it must be some time\displacement physics going on, now they just look like smug cunts, the remarkable thing for me is the speed in which they have adopted the nasally annoying twang and vernacular calling everybody an Abbo, the Australian accent is like a fatal water disease easily caught impossible to lose.

In summary its embarrassing adopting an accent, I will concede its ok over a period of time like twenty years or so but having a full on accent in days as opposed to years says more about the individual namely, your impressionable and a dick!, You wont catch me adopting an accent anytime soon ya facking mongrels!